what to expect
We know you may have questions about how church works, or what it’s like to be in a service
We hope the information below is helpful.
If the information you are looking for isn’t answered on this page, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- What are the differences between the services?
- I don't usually go to church, can I still come along?
- What should I wear?
- Can I bring my children?
- Where should I park?
- How can I meet people?
- Do I have to put money in the collection?
- What happens at a Communion service?
- I’ve got something on my mind... are there people I can talk to?
What are the differences between the services?
We have 3 services but all the congregations are united in their desire to know Jesus and to hear more from God’s word. Visit our services page for more information on the main differences.
I don’t usually go to church, can I still come along?
Absolutely! Everyone is welcome at Platt and we would love to meet you. We often have newcomers join us at all of our services. Feel free to take part in as much or as little of the service as you feel comfortable with. If you would like to find out more about Christianity come along and chat to someone, or please do not hesitate to contact us.
What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in! Most people at Platt wear fairly casual clothes but you’ll see a variety from smart clothes to joggers. Those leading the services don’t usually wear any distinctive clothes – we are relaxed and informal.
Can I bring my children?
Yes, children are always welcome. There are lots of children of all ages at Platt and both our morning services have a crèche with a video link into the service and children’s groups for those aged 0-14. More information on our Sunday children’s groups and various midweek groups can be found here on our Youth and Children’s page.
Where should I park?
There is a car park at church but it’s quite small so if you’re fairly mobile then we ask that you park on the street where there’s plenty of space. We also have bike racks down the side of church if you cycle over. As with parking anywhere, we advise that you don’t leave valuables on display and that you always lock and alarm your car. There are also great bus links from all over Manchester.
How can I meet people?
We really hope that everyone who comes to a service at Platt will feel at home. We have a dedicated welcome and information point at the back of church where you can find all sorts of information about Platt and what goes on here. Members of our welcome team will be there to answer questions and introduce you to others to help you get connected. Do feel free to ask them any questions you have.
We also catch up and spend time together over refreshments after each of the morning services and sometimes over food.
You will also find information there about our small midweek groups which really help you to get settled into church.
Do I have to put money in the collection?
During the service we provide an opportunity for our church family to give financially towards the work of the church either through cash or by card payments. We really don’t expect visitors to give, unless you want to, so just please pass the collection bag along if passed to you without embarrassment.
If you are interested in giving to the work at Platt, more information can be found here on our giving page.
What happens at a Communion service?
We have communion services at least once a month. At these services, after the talk has taken place, we eat bread and drink wine together to remember Jesus’ death and resurrection.
We invite all who love Jesus to take communion, or receive a blessing. During the actual communion, you’ll be invited to walk to the front of the church with the other people in your row if you would like to. There will be various people there to guide you at every stage. We stand and receive the bread and the wine in turn. The person giving the bread will say a few brief words to you as they give it to you. You can say Amen if you wish and then eat the bread. The person giving the wine will do the same. We also offer non-alcoholic wine and gluten free bread options should you wish – just ask those guiding you where to go.
If you would prefer a blessing then keep your hands down by your side or in front of you and we will know to pray for you rather than offer the bread and the wine. You are very welcome to remain seated should you not wish to go up for communion or a blessing.
I’ve got something on my mind… are there people I can talk to?
A really important part of being in a church like Platt is having people to talk to about things that we’re worried or anxious about. If you’d like to share this and be prayed for, in confidence, then at the end of the services there will always be people available to meet and pray.
If you feel that you’d like to have a more in-depth conversation with someone then please contact the church office.