Catch up on the latest sermons from Holy Trinity Platt

To the Ends of the Earth
24 November 2019
Rome: unstoppable
Passage Acts 28:11-31
Speaker Sam Foulds
Series To the Ends of the Earth
Service 18:00
10 November 2019
Ephesus: leaders
Passage Acts 20:17-38
Speaker James Spence
Series To the Ends of the Earth
Service 18:00
3 November 2019
Philippi: opposition
Passage Acts 16:11-40
Speaker Richard Criddle
Series To the Ends of the Earth
Service 18:00
27 October 2019
Cyprus and Iconium: sent
Passage Acts 13:1-12, 14:1-7
Speaker Richard Criddle
Series To the Ends of the Earth
Service 18.00
20 October 2019
Antioch: partnership
Passage Acts 11:19-30
Speaker James Spence
Series To the Ends of the Earth
Service 18:00
13 October 2019
The gospel in other cultures
Speaker Sabine Stockton
Series To the Ends of the Earth
Service 18:00